Thursday, April 9, 2015

My life in chaos

Stress is bad for Cushing's patients. It can literally make you sick. I have had so much stress this week that it has affected my health. Sunday I called the ambulance for my 8 year old son who had an allergic reaction to Milk Duds.
After a few hours at the ER we went home. Wednesday my 12 year old daughter was admitted to the hospital because she was wheezing and having trouble breathing. Another ambulance ride. She got out of the hospital this afternoon. We were home about 3 hours. She was having trouble breathing again so another call to the ambulance. This has all affected my health. I'm exhausted all the time. I shake for no reason. Trouble sleeping even though I'm exhausted. Migraine headache. I could go on, but I'm too tired. Hope you all take care of yourselves. You are important.

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