Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Life in general

It's hard when you have a disease to concentrate on life in general. Everyday life is no longer "normal" for you. You have to refocus your thoughts and energy to fighting this disease you have. When you have multiple chronic illnesses it becomes even more stressful. Having problems like diabetes, Cushing's, and sleep apnea, for example, require you to focus on what you eat, how you go through your day, medication, insulin (if needed), time management (crucial to planning meals and medicines). Something as simple as what time you eat, take your medicine, check your blood sugars, etc. become very important. It really can change the outcome of your day and how you feel in general.

It's very hard to plan a day ahead of time. You can't really make long distance obligations. If you do, you must make sure everyone involved in those plans know that you may have to cancel at the last minute. Having these diseases you really do have to live day to day and moment to moment. I can be totally fine, happy, up and moving around one minute and sick, vomiting, body aches, maybe my blood sugar is off, maybe I have a cortisol rush the next minute and I feel like crap. Or the reverse can happen. I have actually cancelled plans because I felt like crap and then was able to regulate medicines and insulin enough to get better and make it to an event after all. 

It's important to have a support system in your life. I used to have a strong, loving support system. Or so I thought. Stupid me. I now have a select few people who are VERY close to me and offer support on a daily basis. I have my mom. She is my blessing. She is my friend. She takes care of me. I admire my mom for all she has been through and that she is still living on her own, functioning, living a productive life. I also have two of my kids... My 12 year old daughter and 8 year old son. They love mommy very much and they are here for me. They understand my illnesses, my medications, and my craziness. They know what to do when mom gets sick. They take such good care of me. It sounds strange, but it was very refreshing a couple of weeks ago. They were both sick and I was the healthy one. It was strange but I loved being able to take care of my kids and get them well. That's the way it's supposed to be. Mom taking care of kids, not the other way around. Not at the age they are anyway.  Then, you have my oldest daughter. She isn't supportive at all anymore. She told me that all I can do is talk about my health and how bad off I am. I am a "waste of her time and breath." That was a fine slap in the face to hear. But, I respect her opinion as her own. She is entitled to think and feel however she wants. So, I also respect that she wants nothing to do with me now. It hurts, stings, burns, is very sad. But I respect it and I go on with my life. It's her loss. I will always be here and always love her. I pray that one day she will speak to me again and we can have a healthy relationship. Only time will tell.

I have become more active in some of my Facebook Groups. I really enjoy talking to my fellow diabetics and Cushies. They are wonderful to talk to because we all understand one another. Who better to truly understand you then someone who actually walks a mile in shoes like yours? They may not have exactly the same problems because everyone is different. But it's close enough. They KNOW what you are going through. We can talk and vent and help one another. Support systems are important. In becoming more active I have come up with a catch phrase I like to end my posts with.... Good Luck and Good Health to you all.

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